База данных

A Search without contacting the server

This is a sample document to show how to perform a search in a Database with JavaScript.
Note: All the Data is stored in the document! I only have 4 entries in my Database, so have a look down on the Data to get a match :-). You only have to type in the the first letters, if you think there is more than one match, klick on "Find Next" to get the next ;-)

Search for

Here is the Result:

Here is the Data

Data[1] = "Walkowiak;Olaf;Suedseestr. 14;45357;Essen;+49-201-604594;si0015@aixrs1.hrz.uni-essen.de";
Data[2] = "Muster;Max;Am Hang 13; 12345;Irgendwo;+56-789-123456;max.muster@beispiel.de";
Data[3] = "Walkowiak;Kurt;Luebecker Str.65;45145;Essen;+49-201-xxxxxxxx;";
Data[4] = "Broesel;Werner;Boelkstoffstr 12;20123;Saufdorf;+49-xxx-xxxxxxxx;werner@semmel.verlag";